Wednesday 9 October 2024

From Comfort to Confidence: Alcina’s Life at Boarding School

Alcina was a girl who lived with her parents and grandparents, who followed the same routine every day: going to school, completing homework, and spending time playing with her friends. All the household chores, such as laundry, cooking, and cleaning, were taken care of by the adults. Alcina never had to worry about at home.

One day, her parents realized that this lifestyle wouldn’t help Alcina develop essential life skills or become independent. With a heavy heart, they decided to send her to a boarding school – The Mann School.

At first, Alcina struggled with homesickness. She didn’t know anyone and felt lonely. However, things began to change when she met Sukriti, who soon became her close friend. With Sukriti’s support, Alcina learned to take care of herself. She started doing things on her own, like ironing her clothes and managing daily chores without help. These tasks were challenging at first, but over time, Alcina adapted to her new environment.

Life in a boarding school followed a structured routine, and Alcina quickly learned the importance of time management. Balancing studies and extracurricular activities became a key part of her daily life. Alcina discovered a passion for sports, especially football. She worked hard, and soon her talent shone through, earning her a spot on the school’s teams.

Through the opportunities provided by The Mann School, Alcina developed a sense of independence and responsibility. She learned how to take care of her health, manage her time, and make the most of the resources available to her. These skills not only helped her succeed at school but also prepared her for the life beyond it.

Alcina’s journey from being a dependent child at home to an independent student at boarding school shaped her character. The experiences she gained at The Mann School transformed her into a confident, capable young woman, ready to face the challenges of the future.

Alcina Biakthantluangi


Thursday 26 September 2024

Education In The Current Scenario

After reflecting on the difference between literacy and education, it’s clear that while academics form the foundation, a well-rounded education requires practical knowledge and skills to prepare children for real-life challenges. 

In many contexts, the focus tends to be on the development of certain segments of society, often overlooking the basic needs of the majority. When essential needs like food, clean water, and shelter remain unaddressed, aspirations for broader progress can feel unattainable. 

The educational schemes in place often struggle with both implementation and effectiveness. While the aim is to provide education to every child, the quality of that education is often overlooked. Simply placing children in classrooms without engaging them meaningfully does not fulfill educational goals. Many students may view education as secondary to immediate needs, such as food provided by government programs. 

Effective educational initiatives require thoughtful planning and a commitment to quality. It’s crucial to ensure that not only are policies created, but that they are also actively monitored and followed. By focusing on meaningful implementation, we can work towards a more inclusive and impactful educational environment. 

Ritwija Mishra 
Asst. teacher All Subjects

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Is Rain for Everyone?

As we enjoy the rainy season, I've got a thought. What happens when you are lying on your bed, which is near the window, and suddenly you hear the pattering sounds of the raindrops, which suddenly changes your mood? Your face will definitely be lit with a smile because you know it is the ‘rain’. You will try planning different activities, either having tasty food, watching the rain through the window or going down and enjoying a rain dance. You automatically will feel happy because of the rain.

However, is it really the same for everyone? No, it is not. Not everybody is fortunate enough to have a cozy bed to lie in when it rains. Not everybody gets to enjoy the comfort of cozy homes during rain. Not everyone gets blissful dreams. For many of them, this rain becomes a nightmare of destruction. I have seen animals seeking shelter under trees and the tin roofs of the small roadside tea stalls.

Passing by people shoo away these animals and try to shrink themselves under the limited space of these shops. The poor animals are left shivering and drenching on the roads. The poor people whose houses were broken by winds and storms find shelter on the railway or other stations. Some get soaked in this heavy rain and some have the luck of admiring the rain and its beauty in their warm and cozy homes. Not everyone perceives rain the same way as we do. For some, it could be the worst time of the year!

By Tamanna Sangwan
9th A

Sunday 28 July 2024

National Education Policy-2020

Education is the backbone of a nation and NEP provides the strength to it. The National Education Policy 2020 is a comprehensive framework that outlines the government's approach to education, covering all levels from early childhood to higher education. It serves as guidance for educational institutions, policymakers, educators, and stakeholders, aiming to address the hindrances in imparting education.

It focuses on:-

  1. Holistic Education: It focuses on the holistic development of the students. It encourages a multidisciplinary approach to learning, nurturing creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills among students.
  2. Equitable Access: Access to knowledge must be made easily achievable to all with an inclusive approach.
  3. Quality and Excellence: NEP-2020 focuses on imparting quality education to all with continuous professional development and induction of the latest technology.
  4. Promotion of Languages: NEP-2020 promotes multilingualism and the preservation of regional languages. A student can learn better in his/her own language. Knowledge knows no medium; it can be attained/imparted in any language.
  5. Technology Integration: We must embrace the latest technology to upgrade our teaching and learning strategies.
The National Education Policy represents a visionary roadmap for transforming education, fostering innovation, and equipping students with the skills needed to sustain in a rapidly changing world that needs skilled people in the times to come. We can achieve it by prioritising holistic development, quality enhancement, equitable access, learning of different languages, and integration of technology. It aims to empower the learner/teacher to adopt a better, easier, and more practical approach to learning. NEP-2020 is quite capable of bringing a paradigm shift in the education system. It sets the stage for a brighter future where education serves as the most significant way of national development and individual empowerment. In today’s scenario, NEP-2020 is the need of the hour to empower our teaching and learning communities with the latest technological advancements in the field of education. Hence let us all pledge to embrace NEP-2020 with full enthusiasm and determination.

Dheeraj Kumar

Saturday 18 May 2024

Facing Fears, Finding Comfort

I used to fear a lot of things when I was young. There was a long list in my head which usually had ghosts, strict teachers, and bugs and insects at the top. One night, my elder sister and I decided to sleep in our grandfather's room so that we could stay up late and enjoy ourselves. He used to have a teenie-tiny bulb that used to stay on throughout the night, which reflected enough light to see your surroundings. By the time I was arranging my blanket and pillow all the lights were turned off except the teenie-tiny bulb. Suddenly, a brown thing near my feet caught my attention and my eyes widened with fear as I jerked my head towards it. I for sure knew it was a moth and hated the way it felt on my skin. I jumped around and screamed while my sister laughed at me and the moth flew around. I was sure I would take my revenge later. I was also sure my grandpa wasn't angry but serious when he scolded me about how I was such a big creature as compared to that tiny one and how it could hardly harm me. His words instantly affected me and I calmed down but how was the little me supposed to tell him about the uncomfortable and disgusting feeling? Anyway, I knew I would have lost the debate against him after all so I chose to shut up and nod. Now whenever I see ‘that tiny one’ his words come to my head and make me miss him dearly.

Another day, I was just travelling to the top floor of a building through a lift with few people in it when it suddenly stopped. I had read about how people died when a lift broke down in some articles and got scared. But later I thought about how if I die, at least I won't die alone, and many will go away with me.

And I smiled, I think.

Kaveri (X)

Thursday 25 April 2024

The Magical Power of Politeness: Unlocking the Importance of 'Sorry,' 'Thank You,' and 'Please'


In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, where communication often takes place through screens and emojis, the magic of simple, yet profound, words like "sorry," "thank you," and "please" cannot be overstated. These words are not mere social niceties; they are potent tools that build bridges, mend relationships, and create a culture of respect and understanding. As the saying goes, "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."

Sorry- The Healing Elixir:

The word "sorry" holds the power to mend rifts and heal wounds. It is a magical incantation that demonstrates humility, accountability, and a genuine desire for reconciliation. As the Dalai Lama wisely noted, "When you lose, don't lose the lesson." Apologising is not a sign of weakness but a testament to emotional intelligence and the willingness to nurture healthy relationships.

Thank You- Gratitude's Enchanting Spell:

"Thank you" is a magical phrase that transcends cultures and languages, expressing appreciation and acknowledgment. Gratitude, as Oprah Winfrey reminds us, "shifts your focus from what your life lacks to the abundance that is already present." Cultivating a habit of saying "thank you" not only uplifts others but also nurtures a positive and appreciative mindset within ourselves.

Please- The Key to Collaboration:

"Please" is the gentle request that opens doors to cooperation and collaboration. It is a word that acknowledges the autonomy and goodwill of others. By incorporating "please" into our requests, we cultivate an atmosphere of mutual respect and consideration. The poet Kahlil Gibran captured this sentiment beautifully: "I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers."

Respectful Communication:

The magical trio of "sorry," "thank you," and "please" lays the foundation for respectful communication. These words serve as a language of empathy, fostering an environment where individuals feel heard, valued, and understood. When we use these magical words sincerely, we contribute to the creation of a positive and harmonious community, be it in classrooms, workplaces, or personal relationships.

In conclusion, the importance of incorporating magical words like "sorry," "thank you," and "please" into our daily interactions cannot be overstated. These words are not just pleasantries; they are tools that foster emotional intelligence, build strong connections, and contribute to a culture of respect and understanding. As we navigate the complexities of our interconnected world, let us not underestimate the transformative power of these simple, yet enchanting, expressions. In the eloquent words of Aesop, "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."

Pallavi Trivedi

PRT English

Thursday 28 March 2024


The dawning sun on the horizon,

Another day comes soon,

The ones before enliven, the ones which shall ensue.

Though the day before was bright,

We look towards the next,

The chance to fly new kites, to strive to do our best.

The steps which we have tripped on,

The days that went away,

Though we might just trip again, there’s a chance to soar high.

Even when the rainfall stops,

The next monsoon is bound to come,

Another patter, another drop like another memory under the sun.

As the heavens continue to glow,

We know not what is yet to be,

Forward, more friendships grow, like flowers under the pollen bees.

For even in the dusty dunes,

Barren fields or foreign seas,

Hope is there yet to be found, it depends on us to seek.

– By Nathan ‘10A’