Someone has truly said that the student life is the golden period of life. During this period, we are free from responsibilities and we have a mind, which like soft clay, can be easily moulded. The students of today are the future of the tomorrow. Therefore, in order to have a brighter future, good training in the student life is of utmost importance.
But, nevertheless, the pleasure of student life is par-excellence. It is during this period when they, under the luminous guidance of teachers, develop physical, mental and social knowledge. It is during this period that they gain ideas and develop their character and give a new shape to their personality. They develop qualities like punctuality, diligence, regularity and good manners. School life also teaches them perseverance, which is the key to success in their lives. They learn and understand the value of time. Games and physical exercise help to foster in them the spirit of sportsmanship and teamwork. In this way, all round development of one’s character takes place in this stage of life.
No doubt, pleasures of student life are manifold, but it is fruitful only when one is devoted to studies and listens to his parents and teachers. To students school is like a temple and teachers are like gods from whom they receive the valuable gift of knowledge which guides them throughout their lives.
Mr Dinesh
The Mann School