Sunday 20 June 2021

Father's Day


Father’s Day

Father’s Day is celebrated every year by families all around the world in their own way to recall and honour every single effort a father has made for his children.

It is true that a child needs a mother the most but he/she needs the father too. A father plays a very significant role in a child’s life.

As a matter of fact, the heart of a child has been beautifully and specially designed to respond to a father’s love.  If a mother carries a child for nine months in her womb then a father carries a child in his mind for seven ages.

A father works tirelessly throughout his life to provide the best of this world to his children. He shares the wisdom of his life with them holding a hope that they will make a better world in future.

Father's Day is a celebration to honour these sacrifices, dedication and selfless devotion of a father and fatherhood towards his family and children.

It is a gesture of affection and gratitude to the real heroes of children.

Happy Father’s Day!!!


Ms Priya

Assistant Teacher

The Mann School

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