Tuesday 17 January 2023

 The Secret of Success- Discipline

“You cannot change your future but you can change your habits and surely your habits…. will change your future.”

The single most important attribute to becoming successful is self-discipline. It helps you stay focused on reaching your goals, gives you the gumption to stick with difficult tasks, and allows you to overcome obstacles and discomfort as you push yourself to newer heights.

  •  To remember what you need to do each day to accomplish your goals, make a “to-do’’ list. Try using internet tools to create checklists to organize and prioritize your everyday tasks. Checking the small boxes after completing a task makes you feel good, and it might even inspire you to accomplish one more item on your list at the end of the day just for the joy of crossing it off your list. To keep on track, make sure your discipline list and your “to-do” list are both same.
  • Figure out what your barriers to success are.
  •   Tell others about your objectives. When you’ve publicly committed to something, it's simpler to stick with it; the fear of failing in front of others can serve as reinforcement. These people can also assist in holding you responsible.
  •  Stop blaming others. Don’t put it off until tomorrow, Don’t hold others accountable for your situation. Making excuses destroys self-discipline. Develop an attitude of “I can do this” to accomplish more.

The daily routine of The Mann School helps students to develop self-discipline and achieve success in their life. This schedule includes everything from studying to playing, and it also teaches them to complete every task with care and precision. On top of that, someone once remarked that if you complete any task consistently for 21 days, you adapt to it.

It is accurately stated in the book “Let's Pray Before Our Meal”, Life in a Boarding School.

                                                                                       Authored by JS Mann


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