Monday, 17 July 2023


With the rising quality of education paired with a common trend of lethargy in today’s teens, we are left with not just simple branches but also a wide spectrum of multiple job options. The question is, does it truly benefit us? There is no specific answer but also instead multiple and varying answers to this question.

Sylvia Plath in ‘The Bell Jar’ wrote, “I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story.”, where she talks about when left with too many choices, she found it hard to settle for one when the possibility of a better choice exists.

How can you settle for a 9 to 5 job when you can start a small business doing what you love? How can you settle for being a small business owner when a 9 to 5 job offers a better and more stable income?

Numerous and endless possibilities leave us with indecisive and unhappy lives but that is not the same for everyone. This also results in inclusive and accessible jobs for people with mental or physical disabilities. You can be a couch potato earning enough to pay your bills just by answering surveys online! You can be any type of influencer, earning sponsorships left and right just by having a video go viral!

Not every time in life can you shout and preach carpe diem when such a vast and diverse set of jobs exists. The only true conclusion I can provide isn’t whether excessive job options and opportunities bring pain or joy. It is instead the fact that we only have one life to live and enough time to give a chance to different fields before we eventually kick the bucket.

So go and give a try to all those jobs that seem enticing to you even if it’s being a professional ice cream taster. I really do not care what you do with your life. Just go live it to the fullest!

By: Malsawmzuali (XII)


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