Thursday, 11 July 2019


Today I am going to share a very interesting and valuable knowledge. Before that tell me one thing if our hands are tied together, can we fight with anyone? The answer is NO. Here I am going to share your meaning of types of wishing in a different culture with their purpose.

Whenever we meet anyone, stranger or known, in Hindu we join our hands and say "Namaste”, in Muslim we say “As-Salam- u - Alaikum", in Sikh we say "SatSriAkaal l "and   in Christians, we shake hands and greet each other.

In all types of wishing, styles are different but one thing is common. In all ways of greetings, we expose our hands to the other person with a smiling face.

The styles are different in all religions but the message is ONE that I am here with a message of PEACE and not FIGHT. Because as we shared earlier also that with joined or tied hands we cannot fight. And while wishing we offer ourselves our hands.

Similarly, there is another way of giving respect to seniors is, touching their feet. Friends the best part of our human structure is HEAD. Whenever we go out we comb our hairs and wash our face. And on the other hand, our feet touch the earth and goes in all dirt on the earth.

So whenever we touch our senior’s feet, we convey him/her the message that He or She is so respectable that, my best part i.e. my HEAD, is equal to their last or dirty part i.e. their feet.

So whenever we meet others, we should greet them with positive energy which helps to make a positive and peaceful environment.

Deepa Sharma
The Mann School

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