Wednesday, 4 November 2020



Astronomers apply math in everything they do since it enables them to study, comprehend and abridge the mysteries of this intricate cosmos. 

As a matter of fact, cosmology guides researchers to the undeniable essentials and the profound insider facts of the continuous worlds that encompass planet Earth. 

Moreover, it is a proven fact that Mathematics is the base of cosmology, which has made the revelations of space conceivable. The establishment of Astrometry was made plausible through old Mathematicians permitting different nations to partake in doing relevant researches about the Universe. 

As rightly said by: ~ John N. Bahcall (In Sky and Telescope—Jan 1990):

“We should do astronomy because it is beautiful and because it is fun. We should do it because people want to know. We want to know our place in the universe and how things happen.” 

During ancient times, Indian astronomers shaped new forms that were in turn adopted by their foreign companions to incorporate various scientific models, methods, and genus from the astronomy.

Even though a great part of the preparation had been laid, the advancement of numerical strategies for cosmology didn't stop till the end of the seventeenth century and Arithmetic articulations encouraged further refinement of Astronomical models.

In the next hundreds of years, more advanced numerical strategies were created, expanding on the essentials of Geometry and Analytics, and were applied to Astrometry. 

The standards of Round Geometry support the computations of current Astrometry, although the estimations are presently done by PCs instead of slide rules.

Mathematicians and cosmologists created procedures for the estimation of points and tables for counts with these points. Archimedes and Aristarchus mulled over the numerical extents in triangles, and present-day theories on the utilization of these new speculations to Astrometry were disseminated. 

The underlying utilization of Mathematics in cosmology is checking elements, sources, or articles in the sky. Items might be computed during the daytime or night. The utilization of Arithmetic is the figuring of the separation to an article in air space.

Furthermore, arithmetic is and consistently has been of focal significance to Space Science. Numerical improvements were both applied to and inspired by Astronomical estimations, and the most renowned space experts were additionally Mathematicians and vice versa.

The following expressions of ‘The American Physicist ~ Frederick Seitz’ evidently depict the connection and importance of mathematics and astronomy as the indispensable forms for the development of human race and their civilizations. 

“Essentially all civilizations that rose to the level of possessing an urban culture had need for two forms of science-related technology, namely, mathematics for land measurements and commerce and astronomy for time-keeping in agriculture and aspects of religious rituals.” ~ Frederick Seitz. 

Finally, the Mathematical Sciences and Astrometry can make us realize the value of living by effectively using the superb mind of man and thus; can be truly helpful for us to unravel the intricacies of this amazing and incessantly evolving Universe. 


HoD—Department of Mathematics


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