Tuesday, 14 September 2021

विश्व गुरु बनती हिंदी

निराला जी के निरालेपन की काव्य है हिंदी,

टैगोर जी की चाहत, खुसरो का गान है हिंदी,

गर्वित हैं हम भारतवासी, हिंदुस्तान की शान है हिंदी।

हिंदी संवैधानिक रूप से भारत की राजभाषा और भारत की सबसे अधिक बोली और समझी जाने वाली भाषा है हिंदी विश्व की तीसरी सबसे अधिक बोले जाने वाली भाषा है।

विश्व आर्थिक मंच की गणना के अनुसार यह विश्व की दस शक्तिशाली भाषाओं में से एक है।

मॉरीशस, फ़िजी, गयाना, सूरीनाम, नेपाल और संयुक्त अरब अमीरात में भी हिंदी या इसकी मान्य बोलियों का उपयोग करने वाले लोगों की बड़ी संख्या  मौजू़द है । फरवरी 2019 में अबू धाबी में हिंदी को न्यायालय की तीसरी भाषा के रूप में भी मान्यता मिल चुकी है।

वेब, विज्ञापन, संगीत, सिनेमा और बाज़ार के क्षेत्र में हिंदी की मांग जिस तेजी से बढ़ी है वैसी किसी और भाषा में नहीं। विश्व के लगभग 150 विश्वविद्यालयों तथा सैकड़ों छोटे-बड़े केंद्रों में विश्वविद्यालय स्तर से लेकर शोध स्तर तक हिंदी के अध्ययन अध्यापन की व्यवस्था हुई है। विदेशों में 25 से अधिक पत्र- पत्रिकाएं लगभग नियमित रूप से हिंदी में प्रकाशित हो रही हैं।

यूएई के 'हम एफएम' सहित अनेक देश हिंदी कार्यक्रम प्रसारित कर रहे हैं, जिनमें बीबीसी, जर्मनी के डाॅयचे वेले, जापान के एनएचके वर्ल्ड और चीन के चाइना रेडियो इंटरनेशनल की हिंदी सेवा विशेष रूप से उल्लेखनीय हैं।

गूगल के अनुसार हर 5 वर्षों में हिंदी की सामग्री में 94% बढ़ोतरी हो रही है।

हिंदी में सजाल (वेबसाइट) चिट्ठे (ब्लॉग) विपत्र (ईमेल )गपशप (चैट( खोज (वेब सर्च) सरल मोबाइल संदेश (एस०एम०एस०) तथा अन्य हिंदी सामग्री उपलब्ध हैं। इस समय अंतरजाल पर हिंदी में अभिकलित्र के संसाधनों की भी भरमार है, और नित्य नए कंप्यूटर के उपकरण आते जा रहे हैं।

हिंदी का कोई भी लेख हिंदी सिनेमा के बिना अधूरा होगा बॉलीवुड हिंदी फिल्म उद्योग पर भारत के करोड़ों लोगों की धड़कनें अटकी रहती हैं। हॉलीवुड की अधिकतर फिल्में भी हिंदी में डब करके दिखाई जा रही हैं।

संयुक्त राष्ट्र रेडियो ने अपना प्रसारण हिंदी में भी करना आरंभ किया है। हिंदी को संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघ की भाषा बनाए जाने के लिए भारत सरकार प्रयत्नशील है। अगस्त 2018 से संयुक्त राष्ट्र ने साप्ताहिक हिंदी समाचार बुलेटिन आरंभ किया है।

व्हाट्सएप और फेसबुक हिंदी और भारतीय भाषाओं के साथ सामंजस्य बैठा रहे हैं। हिंदी पत्रकारिता के एक नए युग का सूत्रपात हुआ है जिन्होंने कई जनांदोलनों को जन्म दिया है और यह चुनाव जिताने-हराने में भी उल्लेखनीय और हैरान करने वाली भूमिका निभा रही है। हिंदी और अन्य भारतीय भाषाओं का बाज़ार बहुत बड़ा है जिसके कारण बहुत सारी बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियां अपने उत्पाद और वेबसाइटें हिंदी और स्थानीय भाषाओं में ला रही हैं।

दिलों को जोड़ती हिंदी भाषा विचार-विनिमय एवं आत्म प्रकाशन का महत्त्वपूर्ण साधन है। वह सामाजिक संगठन का मूलाधार भी है। भाषा, एकता, राष्ट्र की अखंडता एवं विकास में महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती है। 

एक सशक्त सर्वसमर्थ राष्ट्र के निर्माण के लिए संपूर्ण राष्ट्र में एक ही भाषा की व्याप्ति होनी चाहिए। उसका आधार एक ही भाषा होनी चाहिए। एक ही भाषा सूत्र में संपूर्ण राष्ट्र को अग्रसर होना चाहिए। इससे विचार एकता के साथ ही सांस्कृतिक एवं धार्मिक एकता को भी बल मिलता है, पोषण मिलता है। 

यह स्वतंत्र एवं समृद्ध राष्ट्र के लिए अपरिहार्य है, इसलिए प्रत्येक समुन्नत एवं स्वाभिमानी देश की अपनी एक प्रमुख भाषा अवश्य होती है, जिसे राष्ट्रभाषा का पद गौरव प्राप्त होता है : उदाहरण स्वरूप रूस, अमेरिका, चीन, जापान, फ्रांस, इंग्लैंड आदि को लिया जा सकता है। 

अनेक विदेशी विद्वान भारत में रहकर हिंदी में शोध कार्य कर रहे हैं अंग्रेजी में उच्चारणों की अनियमितता एवं अनिश्चितता से सभी परिचित हैं। हिंदी की देवनागरी लिपि तो विश्व की सभी लिपियों से अधिक पूर्ण एवं वैज्ञानिक सिद्ध हो चुकी है।

अजय कुमार चुघ

हिंदी विभागाध्यक्ष

'द मान स्कूल' दिल्ली

Monday, 23 August 2021


Give me wings to fly

In the blue open sky

Breaking shackles of hatred

That made me toxic and frustrated

I am also a creation of God

Innocent like him, ‘ O, Good Lord!

Then why my freedom is caged

I can seldom see through the bars of rage

I may be dark, You fair

None is inferior should be in the air

We are equal have no difference

Come together to uproot ignorance

Make the hearts fertile with empathy

Sweeping away fury and melancholy

Let no heart remain barren without care

In the pride of power and chair

No one is low no one is high

We are sharing the same sky

Break rules of being superior 

Map the distance to stay merrier

Kamini S Haldhar

HOD English

The Mann School

Monday, 2 August 2021



As we know, English is the language that connects people from different regions, cultures, and nations. Though not intended, it is a common language gifted to the world by the British, which has helped the world share information quickly and precisely without translation. Moreover, English is a worldwide spoken and accepted language, so language is no longer a barrier for people to settle in other countries.

Speaking English allows an individual to broaden his world, from job opportunities to relate to people from every country. Though English originated in Great Britain, its versions change across nations in which it is spoken.

India, too, has contributed a good number of words to the modern English language, which are presently included in standard dictionaries.

English knowledge is an essential employability skill, the most commonly used language in the corporate world. Using it efficiently in both written and oral is vital for one’s professional growth. But, unfortunately, mere domain knowledge won’t guarantee one a good job. It is observed that people voting for regional languages for communication over English believe that English is not a need as long as they communicate effectively to get their job done. The reality is that the companies consider the candidate’s ability or inability to speak fluently in English as a primary selection criterion.

Proficiency in English does not mean only the ability to make grammatically correct sentences. It also requires other related skills for effective communication like convincing skills, presentation skills, negotiation skills, and interpersonal skills. In addition, it is an imperative language online, with more than half the content on the internet written in English.

It is the language used for official communication, whether meeting within or outside, presentations, training conferences, letters, documents, reports, etc.

Gleaning new words day in, day out is an excellent way to widen vocabulary. Keep adding words to your repository. Learning the proper pronunciation of words is essential for excelling in conversations. Be confident and speak as often as possible to as many people as you possibly can! Do not be shy making mistakes! The more you practice, the better and more confident you will become in your pronunciation and vocabulary.

So, polish your skill of expressing yourself in English and open your door to the world.





Sunday, 11 July 2021

विश्व जनसंख्या दिवस


स्वस्थ और छोटा परिवार
खुशियों का भंडार, जीवन का आधार ||

विश्व जनसंख्या दिवस प्रति वर्ष 11 जुलाई को मनाया जाता है | संयुक्त राष्ट्र विकास कार्यक्रम की संचालन परिषद् द्वारा वर्ष 1989 में पहली बार इसे मनाया गया था | इस दिवस को मनाने का सुझाव डॉक्टर के.सी.जकारियाह ने दिया था | आज विश्व की जनसंख्या लगभग 7.9 बिलियन है और विश्व में लगभग 16720 शिशु प्रति घंटे जन्म लेते हैं व मृत्यु दर प्रति घंटे लगभग 6611 है|

विश्व जनसंख्या दिवस का उद्देश्य जनसंख्या संबंधित समस्याओं पर वैश्विक चेतना जागृत करना व लोगों को  शिक्षित करके समाज में फैली रूढ़िवादिता को दूर करना है | इसी संदर्भ में अलग-अलग स्थानों पर इस दिन विभिन्न कार्यक्रमों जैसे- नुक्क्ड़ नाटक, निबंध व खेल प्रतियोगिताओं, सेमिनार इत्यादि का आयोजन किया जाता है; लेकिन इसका मुख्य कार्यक्रम संयुक्त राष्ट्र जनसंख्या कोष के कार्यालय में किया जाता है | इस दिन कई सरकारी संगठनों द्वारा रैलियाँ भी निकाली जाती हैं |

इस क्षेत्र में सराहनीय कार्य के लिए संयुक्त राष्ट्र जनसंख्या पुरस्कार भी प्रदान किए जाते हैं | इस पुरस्कार की स्थापना 1981 में हुई थी | अब तक इस पुरस्कार से दो भारतीय व्यक्तिगत रूप से, वर्ष 1983 में पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री श्रीमती इंदिरा गाँधी जी और वर्ष 1992 में उद्योगपति जहांगीर रतन जी भाई टाटा सम्मानित हो चुके हैं | 2020 में भारतीय संस्था हेल्पएज इंडिया व भूटान की रानी मदर ग्याल्युम संगे चोडेन वांगचुक भी इस पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किए जा चुके हैं | वर्ष 2020 में विश्व जनसंख्या दिवस के लिए मूल विषय था “कोरोना महामारी के दौरान महिलाओं और लड़कियों की स्वास्थ्य संबंधी ज़रूरतों और अधिकारों को सुरक्षित रखना |” वर्ष 2021 में मूल विषय है “प्रजनन संबंधी स्वास्थ्य सुविधा के लिए सार्वभौमिक पहुँच |”

जनसंख्या की दृष्टि से चीन विश्व में प्रथम स्थान पर है | संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ ने अपनी रिपोर्ट में यह कहा है कि यदि भारत की जनसंख्या ऐसे ही बढ़ती रही तो वह चीन को भी पीछे छोड़ देगा | बढ़ती जनसंख्या हमारे देश में एक विकराल रूप ले चुकी है | कोरोना काल में कभी -कभी अस्पतालों में सुविधाएँ व उपयुक्त संसाधन न मिल पाना इसके ज्वलंत उदाहरण हैं |

बेरोज़गारी, गरीबी, भूखमरी आदि जनसंख्या वृद्धि के दुष्परिणामों ने अर्थव्यवस्था की कमर तोड़ कर रख दी है | जनसंख्या वृद्धि के कारण पर्यावरण पर भी विपरीत प्रभाव पड़ा है वनों की अत्याधिक कटाई से ऑक्सीजन की कमी हो रही है | इस कमी को पूरा करने के लिए कृत्रिम ऑक्सीजन प्लांट लगाए जा रहे हैं ताकि लोगों को पर्याप्त मात्रा में ऑक्सीजन उपलब्ध हो सके | समय रहते हम सबको इस समस्या की ओर अपना ध्यान केंद्रित करना चाहिए |

समय की माँग है कि हमें सभी को साथ लेते हुए जनसंख्या नियंत्रण के उपाय सोचने होंगे तभी देश ही नहीं बल्कि विश्व भी उन्नति के पथ पर अग्रसर होगा | हमारे देश के प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी ने भी स्वतंत्रता दिवस के अवसर पर लाल किले की प्राचीर से लोगों को संबोधित करते हुए कहा था कि “जनसंख्या विस्फोट न केवल हमारे लिए बल्कि आनेवाली पीढ़ियों के लिए भी घातक होगा इसलिए इस पर नियंत्रण करना आवश्यक है |” असम ने जनसंख्या वृद्धि को नियंत्रित करने के लिए नए कानून लागू करने की घोषणा कर दी है तथा अन्य राज्य इस ओर अग्रसर हैं |

सीमा राणा

हिदी अध्यापिका

द मान स्कूल

Thursday, 1 July 2021

National Doctors’ Day


India celebrates National Doctors' Day on July 1 every year, in memory of the birth and death anniversary of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, the great physician and the second Chief Minister of West Bengal.


We turn to doctors to save our lives. Saving someone’s life is always gratifying. This noble profession is unique in many ways. A doctor puts all his efforts to make people’s life better, healthy and secure.


Furthermore, it's not easy to be a qualified and specialized doctor. A doctor spends around 10 years (after grade XII) including Junior and Senior residency. While most other professionals find some leisure time, doctors are either busy enhancing their skills or serving in hospitals.


A regular day of a doctor may not end before 10-12 hours of continuous and nerve-racking work. Not to mention the working weekends in many clinics and hospitals and yes, let's not forget this unending duration of the Pandemic.


Why do doctors really continue doing what they do in spite of having such frenetic schedules and with no work-life balance?


The answer is quite simple—they are very emotional and they understand the importance of life. Most of them want to make a difference in the lives of their patients.


Although our country has crossed the golden finishing line, it still requires many well learned and skilled doctors.


On National Doctors' Day, I pay my sincere gratitude to all the 'Doctors' who do not dream to live a lavish life but choose the life of Humanity. 

Dr. Sarita Tripathi

HoD- Department of Science

The Mann School

Sunday, 20 June 2021

Father's Day


Father’s Day

Father’s Day is celebrated every year by families all around the world in their own way to recall and honour every single effort a father has made for his children.

It is true that a child needs a mother the most but he/she needs the father too. A father plays a very significant role in a child’s life.

As a matter of fact, the heart of a child has been beautifully and specially designed to respond to a father’s love.  If a mother carries a child for nine months in her womb then a father carries a child in his mind for seven ages.

A father works tirelessly throughout his life to provide the best of this world to his children. He shares the wisdom of his life with them holding a hope that they will make a better world in future.

Father's Day is a celebration to honour these sacrifices, dedication and selfless devotion of a father and fatherhood towards his family and children.

It is a gesture of affection and gratitude to the real heroes of children.

Happy Father’s Day!!!


Ms Priya

Assistant Teacher

The Mann School

Saturday, 5 June 2021

World Environment Day


World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th of June every year-- the biggest annual event in the world organised by the ‘United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)’ to spread environmental awareness among the people. Its main aim is to raise awareness to protect nature and to try and resolve various environmental issues that are cropping up day by day.


This year’s theme is “Ecosystem Restoration”.


Every year World Environment Day is hosted by a different country in which official celebrations take place. Pakistan is the host this year. 

The government of Pakistan plans to expand and restore the country's forest through a campaign known as “10 Billion Tree Tsunami" that is spread over 5 years. The campaign comprises restoration of mangroves, forests and commencement of tree plantation drive in urban settings.


Fundamentally, the restoration of ecosystem can be achieved in many ways like growing trees and plants in cities, changing diets and keeping a strong check on harmful human activities and by cleaning up rivers and coasts. This way we can make peace with Nature and bring about a new positive change in the restoration process of the environment.


Active plantation of trees and curbing environmental pollution is the key factor for Nature to recover without human intervention.


The causes of degradation are many and can have a serious impact on the environment at different scales. As we know, some damages are seriously irreversible and it is impossible for the ecosystem to retain its original state intact forever. We need farmland and infrastructure to sustain the ecosystem.


Furthermore, an ecosystem can be restored by preserving forests, farmlands, cities, wetlands and oceans. Restoration initiatives can be launched by almost anyone from governments and development agencies to business communities and individuals.   


So, let us begin by volunteering and joining hands together to keep our unique planet safe for life to exist and flourish. Efforts like using an electric vehicle, lessening the use of AC, keeping a habit of ‘Switching off unnecessary appliances' can bring about a big change in this direction.


We ought to protect our Environment to 'Save Earth’ and the future of Mankind. 






Sunday, 16 May 2021


We are what we routinely do or habitually say. We are observed every minute. So, it becomes imperative to mind our words and actions. They represent a big part of us when we are in the process of being judged. 

What do people think when they see someone slamming the door on someone’s face, interrupting someone off in the middle of a sentence, shout across the room, use foul language, eat with their mouth open, give orders instead of saying "please" and "thank you"… and the list goes on. They probably think that "He lacks in manners" or “What a loser." (Oops!) 

It is essential to know that mere knowing where to place your fork and knife while dining is not sufficient to justify that you incorporate good manners. Good manners refer to your understanding of social skills, communication skills, and demonstrating behaviour that does not embarrass you and does not cause others to feel uncomfortable. 

Good or bad manners say volumes about you and your upbringing. They are the shadows of the virtues you possess. They indicate whether you are dependable, reliable, and selfless. People who are rude, inconsistent, or selfish suffer severe consequences. 

Manners indeed count when you are going for a business deal, interviewing for a job, or meeting someone significant for the first time. However, they also count even when there is no special occasion. Your friends and colleagues may not point you out, but they would surely notice and judge you and make a perception of you. You would know that if you could read their minds. 

Most people know how to put on the best foot forward in a particular situation, but the key is to behave perfectly in all circumstances. Why wait for someone to notice us and remind us. It should be a conscious and continuous effort so that it infuses in our blood and becomes our habit. 

Manners need to be displayed in all spheres of life. It should begin with our getting up early in the morning till going off to sleep at night. 

Usually, we wear smart, walk smart but forget to behave smart and sophisticated. We can begin with using the three powerful magical words; 'Sorry', 'Thank you’ and 'Please' as they make, build and maintain relationships, and solve the hardest of the problems. 

Remember, good manners are cost-effective. They promote a better corporate culture. They not only increase the quality of life at the workplace but also embellish the institution's image. In other words, it is an investment in respect. 

So, do mind your P's and Q's, thereby etching your etiquette as they are essential for building your brand. 

Kamini S Haldhar

HOD English 

The Mann School

Sunday, 28 March 2021

खुशियों के रंग, होली के संग


जब भी हम होली का नाम सुनते हैं तो हमारे मन में आनंद भर जाता है और हो भी क्यों नायह त्योहार है ही इतना अधिक मनभावन । भाई को भाई से मिलाने के लिए, बिछड़ों को आपस में खेलने पर विवश करने के लिए और कुछ हँसी-ठिठोली इत्यादि करने के लिए भारतवर्ष में यह त्योहार अत्यधिक उपयुक्त माना जाता है। परंतु हमें यह नहीं भूलना चाहिए कि होली का त्योहार वास्तव में क्या है? होली को हम कभी होलिका या होलाका इत्यादि के नामों से पुकारते हैं। हम यह भी जानते हैं कि मुख्यतः यह उत्तर भारत में मनाई जाती है | लेकिन हमें यह नहीं भूलना चाहिए कि होली का वास्तविक अर्थ या वास्तविक उद्देश्य क्या है ?

वेदों और पुराणों में इसके लिए उचित ही कहा गया है कि-

''सर्वदुष्टापहो    होम:   सर्व       रोगोपशान्तये ।

 क्रियतेऽस्यां द्विजै: पार्थ तेन सा होलिका स्मृता ।।''

अर्थात् सभी प्रकार के दोषों रोगों इत्यादि की शांति के लिए किया जाने वाला यज्ञ ही 'होलिका' के नाम से जाना जाता है।

हम सभी जानते हैं कि होली जिस दिन मनाई जाती है, उससे एक दिन पहले हम रात्रि के समय बहुत सारी लकड़ियों को इकट्ठा करके उसके अंदर विभिन्न तरह की वस्तुओं को डालकर होली जलाते हैं परंतु वर्तमान समय की यह होली मनाई जाने की विधि प्राचीन समय में मनाए जाने वाली होली से ही संबंधित है, जो यज्ञ से जुड़ी हुई है । अंतर केवल इतना है कि उस समय हमें अपने उद्देश्यों का पता होता था और इस समय नहीं । वास्तव में होली का जो पर्व है वह प्रकृति में फैलने वाले विभिन्न तरह के हानिकारक तत्वों को नष्ट करने के लिए और सभी तरह के रोग नष्ट हो जाए इसलिए मनाया जाता था।

यह पर्व वसंतोत्सव के आगमन पर भी मनाया जाता है इसलिए इसे वसंतोत्सव के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। आज के समय में हम जानते हैं कि होली रंगों के त्योहार के अतिरिक्त और कुछ नहीं रह गई है। प्राचीन समय में इस उत्सव का उद्देश्य प्रकृति की शुद्धि था न कि रंगों का अधिकाधिक उपयोग। प्रकृति से सीधा-सीधा जुड़ने के कारण इसका असर व्यक्ति के शारीरिक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य पर पड़ता है। ‌यदि पुराणों को देखें तो पुराणों में हिरण्यकश्यप और नरसिंह अवतार की कथा या श्री कृष्ण से संबंधित कथा और इस प्रकार अनेक कथाएँ होली पर आधारित हैं, जो कि हमें पुराणों में मिलती हैं। आज हमारा यह समझना बहुत अधिक आवश्यक है कि होली जो कि प्रकृति से संबंधित थी, वह सिर्फ एक आकर्षण का केंद्र, केवल रंगों का त्योहार बनकर रह गया है, अपने वास्तविक अर्थ से कोसों दूर।

      इसलिए हमारा यह कर्तव्य बनता है कि हम लोगों को बताएँ कि यह त्योहार सिर्फ भारतवर्ष के किसी एक खास वर्ग का नहीं अपितु प्रकृति के लिए किया हुआ संपूर्ण भारत का त्योहार है।


  "आनंद, प्यार,  खुशी,  सेहत और धन की बौछार के साथ आपकी होली रंगारंग हो !

प्रवीण शर्मा

सहायक अध्यापक

मान स्कूल

Monday, 22 March 2021



World Water Day is an international observance day, marked on March 22 every year, to highlight freshwater's importance for everyone.

Water is vital for all forms of life and the attraction of existence. It is an essential nutrient; if there is no water, there would be no life on earth. Water is a valuable and indispensable resource; it plays a vital role in the human body.

This is a day to raise awareness and inspire people worldwide in the face of water crises and take action to manage freshwater resources.

World Water Day supports the achievement of the SDG-6, which calls for water and sanitation for all by targeting universal access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene.

Today, the climate is changing at an alarming rate, becoming the greatest urgency for humanity worldwide. The response to it has been inadequate, with a significant rise in carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) over the past decade.

Water can help fight climate change. Efficient water usage can help tackle the different impacts of climate change itself. In recent years, extreme weather events have become more frequent and intense across the country. The consistent seasonal cycle and reliability of the annual monsoons have been disturbed.

Furthermore, the steady combination of rain and sun has altered long periods of inadequate rainfall, followed by heavy rain causing droughts and floods. Adaptation and mitigation strategies are therefore needed to cope with the climate crisis.

We can survive up to several weeks without food, but only a few days without water.

It is about taking action to tackle it. Therefore, let’s save it to save the planet.  





Saturday, 20 March 2021

'International Day of Happiness'

“There are many reasons to be happy, but sometimes being happy without any reason is far more beautiful”.

‘The International Day of Happiness’ is celebrated throughout the world on 20th March. It was established by the United Nations General Assembly on 28 June 2012.

The theme of 2021 campaign is ‘Happiness for All, Together’.

This day identifies the significance of happiness as being a vital part of universal goals and aspirations.

Happiness isn’t about getting what you want all the time, rather, it’s about loving what you have and being grateful for it - be it people in your life, work you do, things you cherish, food you eat, clothes you wear etc.

Certainly, happiness comes from within by making peace with the past and looking forward to the best opportunities in future.

Let's celebrate the ‘International Day of Happiness’ by being happy for what we have received, staying calm and composed, making as many people smile as you can, showing gratitude even for the smallest good thing that has happened to you and showering unconditional kindness on others.

Let’s spread the joy of happiness all around with a magical smile while keeping our arms open since it is the most encouraging gesture that no one can resist however grim the situation may be.

May we all have much deserved happiness in the days to come!





Wednesday, 10 March 2021



It takes meagre seven seconds to make the first impression. People thin-slice others based on how they look and sound, more than explicit verbal statements. Someone's first impression is often influenced by implicit attitudes that they are unaware of, which explains impulsive actions like giving particular preference to those with physical beauty or more easily trusting a person who has a baby-face. The things that we say, how we act, and everything that indicates our personality lay the foundation for the other person to build an idea about our character or personality.  

Once the foundation is laid, it becomes challenging to change it. Thus, the first impression is significant because it creates a granite foundation for how people perceive us. Precisely this is why people should make every effort to create a good first impression. 

The reason is simple that the first impression is the best impression that is lasting. It is critical. No matter how many times we meet the same people, we are usually associated with the first impression.

It is the first impression that sets the ball rolling, and every subsequent meeting or image is most likely an extension of that.

Resultantly, considering the first impression the last impression, we must not miss out on making an excellent opening impression as it can often be the decisive factor in determining a second meeting.

The first impression to be impressive and lasting requires confidence, so walk-in confidently with head held high. Be polite yet audible. Maintain a positive outlook and smile. What a person says reflects his way of thinking and the opinion he has on things. The words we utter are a mirror of our personality. Thus, we must take time and think twice before saying something that comes across as totally foolish or wrong.

Outfits should be in sync with the occasion. Also, they should be spotlessly clean and crispy looking. The colours should not be dominating or too intense in case of formal or business meeting. In a nutshell, dress up as confident, comfortable, and smart as the first impression is never created the second time.

So, go and stamp your impression confidently!

Kamini Haldhar

HOD English

The Mann School, Delhi

Monday, 8 March 2021


Sophistication broadly means to be cultured, knowledgeable and worldly-wise. A sophisticated individual carries good taste. He can handle any complicated situation with ease.

Sophistication is an integral part of human behaviour and personality. A person is considered sophisticated when he knows what is he doing and performs all his acts flawlessly. He has profound knowledge and understanding of things. He carries himself gracefully and is very optimistic in his approach.  

Sophistication is an integral part of human behaviour and personality. The young learners should be taught the basic mannerisms to realise the value and importance of being sophisticated from the right age. The consolidation of sophisticated behaviour in individuals since childhood helps to polish their civic sense and makes them stand tall in the crowd.

So, be sophisticated privately, publically and personally.





Sunday, 28 February 2021



India has a great heritage of Science and Technology which we all can be proud of. The world accepts that our past had a lot to offer. Our Vedas and other scriptures are full of such incidents and anecdotes where our scientists, mathematicians, astronomers, astrologers and engineers made brilliant innovations which were appreciated and pursued bythe world.


In order to honour the contributions of these great scientists, the National Science Day is celebrated each year on February 28. 


This coincides with the discovery of Raman Effect by the great Indian Physicist, Nobel Laureate Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman (CV Raman).


‘Sir CV Raman’ was awarded with the ‘Bharat Ratna’ in 1954 for making India proud in the field of Science. To keep that dynamic instinct alive, schools and colleges all over India celebrate 'National Science Day'every year with great fervor by organising science exhibitions, seminars, symposiums and other competitions.


This provides students and young scientists various opportunities to showcase their innovative ideas and talents. This goes a long way in popularizing science among a new generation of students.


Every year a theme is chosen to befit the contemporary scenario. Last year the theme was Women in Science.


This year the theme is ‘FUTURE OF STI: IMPACTS ON EDUCATION SKILLS AND WORK.’ The theme was decided by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. 


Nothing can be more relevant than this in the current situation. We all saw unusual situations this year due to the pandemic. This posed the biggest danger to education worldwide.

However, it is widely accepted that in India, we not only managed to save the academic year but learned many new ways that will go a long way in assuring the reach of education in every nook and corner of India. 


All this has become possible due to relevant improvisations in the world of education done by the educationists and academicians.


The Mann School is second to none in the use of innovative methods in the field of education. We are proud to say that we not only managed to continue imparting education but ensured that no education gaps are occurred.


And, we will continue to make sure that our beloved learners get the best of learning experience forever.


Happy National Science Day to everyone!!!






Monday, 15 February 2021


Ever since the evolution and development of human beings, it has been observed that growth and prosperity of this world are dependent on a very important key factor, i.e. ‘HARMONY’.

History had witnessed that the development of early civilizations was only attainable when people started living together in groups.


The early men lived individually; facing many challenges in their surroundings, yet over time, they understood the advantages of living together as a community.


Gradually, they learned how to live that way and this togetherness gave birth to a settlement called society. Thus, a society is a unique result of harmonious relationships among people.


So, what actually do we understand by the term 'Harmony'?


According to the dictionary, “Harmony is a state of agreement or of peaceful existence together”. It is an agreement between two people or among the society where acceptance is there for each-others’ views.


In order to make the country stronger and developed, it is crucial to maintain cordial relationship amongst the citizens.


Moreover, maintaining harmony is not the sole responsibility of one citizen, but it's about making combined efforts together which generate a peaceful environment in the society.


Today, we can observe that harmony among people is diminishing day by day and the resulted vacuum is filled by the unreasonable hatred and contempt for each other.


According to me, the reasons for the same are:


Commonly, people have some differences and similarities among them. Till the time we respect and understand the diversity, the harmony is maintained. But, the moment we become intolerant towards diversity; conflicts arise and generate disharmony.


In today’s materialistic world relationships are based on greed and selfish motives. That is dreadful for harmony and peaceful co-existence. Maintaining harmony does not cost anything to us.


Just a few good words, nice gestures, compassion, and polite behaviour can surely establish harmony among people. As a result, differences can always be decimated without any prejudice; be it linguistic, race, caste, creed, region, or religion.


History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time; every civilization flourished till there was harmony among the people.


Hence, maintaining a harmonious relationship will surely strengthen the  bond amongst all and benefit them till posterity.